Friends & Hosts

Become a Friend and support the Minehead & Exmoor Music Festival

We rely on the generous support of Festival Friends and Hosts (see below) to help meet the rising cost of the Festival. For a minimum donation of £20 for the year, you can become a Friend and enjoy postal priority booking for a two-week period before public booking opens, giving you the best chance to get your favourite seats for all the orchestral concerts.

If you’d like to become a Friend, email to let us know and we will send you a Festival brochure as soon as they are available, with the priority booking form enclosed. If you are a UK tax payer, please consider using Gift Aid so that we can recover the tax from H M Revenue and Customs. Fill in the Gift Aid section on the booking form in the brochure, or if you would like to send a donation separately from your ticket application, click here to download a Gift Aid form.

If you are already on our mailing list, you will automatically receive a brochure, giving you the opportunity to become a Friend for the current year. (Friends are automatically added to our mailing list each year.)

Ticket applications received from Friends and Hosts during the priority period are dealt with in the order they are received. We will make every attempt to meet Friends’ booking requests even after priority booking closes, subject to availability.


Become a Host and get to know the musicians

Hosts are entitled to Priority Booking

Hosts are added to our mailing list and get the benefit of priority booking for all concerts. The best seats are always in demand and Hosts and Friends get first pick.

The Minehead and Exmoor Festival would not be viable without the support of our hosts, who offer free beds and a simple breakfast to orchestra members and soloists. (All other catering is arranged by the Festival Committee.) While a few of our performers live locally, most come from further afield, many from the London area. In exchange for a working holiday by the sea, they provide us with three orchestral concerts and a chamber concert. Many orchestra members stay with the same host every year, leading to lasting friendships.

Most stay for up to eight nights but some (especially soloists) will only spend one or two nights here.

We are always keen to recruit new Hosts, whether they can accommodate performers for the full week or just for a few nights. To become a host, email

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© Minehead and Exmoor Festival Society (Reg. Charity No. 260276)
Minehead Music Festival